Sunday, February 4, 2007

Curious about the blog title?

So you may be asking "Why whispers in the night?".......well let me explain. God speaks to all of us in many different ways. For me sometimes this is as a whisper in the night.

Now you may be asking "How do you know it's God?".......well let me explain. I spend my alone time with God in the late moments of the night right before I go to sleep. Maybe I do this because it eases my mind of thoughts from the day and allows for a peaceful night's sleep. Or maybe I do this because I like to reflect on the what the Lord has done throughout the day and how I can improve in my walk with Him. Or maybe it is because in those still, quiet moments of rest I feel closest to Him.
I think it is because of all those reasons.
But because I have spent this time before drifting into sleep with my LORD I am confident that when I awake with a stirring deep in my soul it is from Him sent through the Holy Spirit. I also know it is from Him because most times I don't want to always do what He asks!:(
For example several years ago He woke me and asked me to write out Valentine's day cards to about 20 of my students to show them how much they are valued.
Did I want to write out 20 Valentines? would take too much time. might give me a hand cramp.
But God spoke!
And then one time He asked me to go on a missions trip alone, halfway across the world.
Did I want to go? was a dangerous country.
No.......I am a girl what can I possibly do?
But God spoke!
But most recently he woke me up at 4:00am and told me to start a blog.
Did I want to blog? would take too much time.
No.......I would have to be vulnerable and share my feelings with anybody that wanted to read it.
No.......what could I possibily have to say?
But God spoke!
So I prayed about it......felt a peace about it.....and started typing......and now I can't stop.
God has given me so much to say!
Remember we need to be willing to do what God asks no matter how crazy it may seem to us. And no matter how much we may think we are able to do. Because we are the instruments, God is the musician. And beautiful music can be made out of any old instrument.
Listen and Follow God's Voice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read throughout your blog, your words touched my heart in situations i need to work on in my life. Your story about gentleness i relate to very much, im not always sincere and considerate about a person's feelings and i thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings, it changed my perspective on how i look at things in life. Thanks again and God Bless.