Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So Troy and I are starting to work on a wedding powerpoint to show the best we can visually of how our lives came together over the last 28-32 years:) (32 being Troy's years.) lol. Looking through lots of old pictures wonderful memories have come up and sometimes I think I even wish just for 1 hour I could go back and spend a moment in those times again. Just to remember the joyfulness of my childhood and all the wonderful times.

But instead I will just take a moment to post this picture and share some simple childhood memories.......pink fuzzy slippers, two pigtails on either side of my head tied with fuzzy ribbons, a small toy piano to amuse myself for hours in my room, Strawberry Shortcake sheets, and my little pony dolls.

1 comment:

troy. said...

You are simply adorable in this picture! I think you should totally bring back the two pigtails look. Honestly!!