Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to me!

So last year at this time I guess I could have been considered a mother since Tian Elliot was 5 months old inside my belly........however as another mom told me you really don't understand the whole Mother's Day thing until they are born.

And so Happy Mother's Day to me for the 1st time this year!

So I thought for my first Mother's Day post I would share some of the reasons why I love being a new mom.

#1 - Enjoying getting up at 6am.....I mean 5:45am..... because I get to see the smiling, wide awake face of my son.

#2 - Seeing the laughs and hearing the giggles when I am making a complete fool of myself.

#3 - Getting those first slobbering kisses.

#4 - Watching my baby grow up and learn new things everyday.

#5 - Getting to play with toys again.

All I can say is I can't imagine not having this joy in my life of being a mother and I look forward to many more Mother's Days to come.

Also Happy Mother's Day to 2 great Gran-moms' - Nana Hertlein and Nanny Mouer!

Thanks to 2 great mom's that did a great job raising their babies!

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