Monday, May 7, 2007

The joys of love

I had the joy this past weekend of going to one of my best friend's weddings. We really have not been able to see each other much in the years since college because of distance and everday life, but as I sat in the pew during the cermony I felt like it had only been days since the nights we would sit around and talk about this very moment (falling in love and getting married). It seems like just yesterday that she was listening to my wailings of hopeless crushes and comforting me in the thoughts that someday God would bring that special man created just for me into my life. It would happen at just the right time and at just the right moment when I would be ready to share a life-time of love and happiness built on both of our loves for Christ.

In all actuality it has been 6 years since those late night talks. And I'm sure if I asked my friend if during those 6 years if felt like time was flying until she met her future husband she would say something like "I never thought this moment would come". I know I have felt that way many times in my years as a single adult since college graduation. But sitting there watching that beautiful moment with my friend smiling into the eyes of her love, tears filled my eyes. Because I knew that sometimes the greatest joys, the most beautiful blessings come after WAITING. What may seem like endless years of loneliness or hopelesness to us are just passing days brining us closer to that long awaited answer to prayer. And just passing moments growing us into the person we are meant to be when that day does arrive.
As I continue to wait for that day when my life is joined with another in a life-time of love I know 6,7 or 8 years will be nothing. I have these years to become the person God wants me to be. And I know without a doubt that waiting on God's hand and not my own to bring a human love into my life is worth every minute of waiting. Because on Saturday I saw not only my friend happy about having found her boy but a beautiful woman ready to spend a life-time of love with the man God made for her.


Anonymous said...

you're right. it will be sooo much better to wait for the one who God has set apart for me, than to "make something happen". as my mom always says, "It's better to not be in a marriage at all than to be in a BAD marriage!" and when it's done right, what a wonderful gift from God!

troy. said...

"If our hopes are being disappointed just now, it means that they are being purified. There is nothing noble the human mind has ever hoped for or dreamed of that will not be fulfilled. One of the greatest strains in life is the strain of waiting for God."

-Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest - February 22nd

Angela said...

One of the best quotes from Oswald Chambers that I know:)! Thanks for reminding me of it again my love.

Anonymous said...

I was reminded of the "The Story of the Virgins" told by Jesus when I read your blog. Esp'ly verse 13 "So stay alert. You have no idea when he might arrive". (Matt25:1-13)