September - March can seem like a really long time and yet a really fast time. I remember when I was a teacher and September - March seemed REALLY long especially at the beginning of a new school year in September AND during those long winter months of January and February. But I also remember how fast it went by and once March arrive looking back and thinking where did the time go.
And so that feeling continues in my life with the arrival of my 1st baby on September 3rd. It seems like just yesterday I was waking up on September 3rd with contractions and sitting with my sister waiting for my husband to get home to take me to the hospital for the arrival of our baby. And it seems like just yesterday I was hold a week old baby in the rocking chair while he slept in my arms. AND YET it feels like I have had this little baby boy with me forever and don't even remember what it was like without him. I can't imagine him never being here.
Now I hold a 6 month old in my arms (doubled in size) and am loving every moment of it because I realize that although it may seem like forever until he is able to walk, talk, run, go to school, get married..........IT IS GOING TO GO FAST! So I am treasuring EVERY moment that I get to spend with him - even when I am tired and cranky, unshowered or showered, busy or free. I want to be a part of every moment with my little boy and enjoy the days, months and years.
Thank you God for giving me this wonderful boy and thank you Troy (daddy) for the opportunity to be able to stay home with him on a daily basis and take care of him:)