While it feels like just yesterday I was sitting here feeling bloated, tired,like I was carrying a watermelon and getting kicked at all hours of the day AND night it also feels like Tian has been with us forever. I can't remember what it was like when he wasn't here in my life.
11 months have flown and at times maybe dragged a bit (like the days I chase him all over the house from 7am - 7pm.........very minimal naps). But every minute has been wonderful and everday brings a new highlight and momentous occasion i.e. saying mama and dada or taking that first step or wanting to feed himself.
Some of the highlights from the past month have been the following.
1. Tian is now walking like a pro. His balance is excellent and he has very few falls throughout the day. He is constantly on the go!
2. While still only 1 tooth is visible there are signs of about 3 more teeth coming in soon........no more snaggle tooth:(
3. Tian loves finger foods and feeding himself. Usually this includes bananas, peaches and other types of soft fruits and more recently scrambled eggs. He is also wanting to try and use the spoon more by himself so we are trying to suck it up and let him even though the mess isn't always fun.
4. It is evident that Tian is expanding his vocabulary and understanding a lot of words. He knows bathtime because every night when we start singing the bathtime song he crawls up the steps and pulls open the shower curtain. Just the other day for Troy he crawled up the steps and went to his potty when Troy told him to go potty.
In just a little over 30 days Tian will turn 1. Somedays I sit back (when I get a moment) and think about how quickly he was a baby and how I will miss it. But then he comes waddling over to me with his arms out and a big smile to give me a kiss and I think why would I want anything but this. And I have a feeling I will feel like that when he is 2 and talking my ear off and when he is 3 and wanting to show me his latest drawing or when he is 8 waving at me from the soccer field. I don't know about those teenage years though:) we will wait to see when those come!